
It is the science of mental and behavior. I got the best psycho teacher (in my opinion) in USM. Why? I was given a psychological test this morning my prof analysed my personality base on my hand writing. I was instructed to write 3 sentences on the board.

1. This is how I write.
2. My favourite food is papaya.
3. I have many friends.

Firstly, she said that I am a Si manja. I am not very independent because the spacing between words is very small. I am a very self centred person as my “I” is much higher than the rest of the alphabets. People can speak easily to me but to be in my inner circle of friends, there is still a trust problem. I have a group of stationary friends, and those who ever do any mistake will not be forgiven until to the rest of my life. However, the personality that I really agree with her is that I don’t movies that do not make sense and my future partner must think deep and in the same frequency of thinking as I do.

I have never met anyone so brilliant at analysing others as well as her because I don’t really think that anyone in the world knows me for the real me. Yes, all she said about me is very accurate. I really admire her for she has what it takes to be a professional professor in a university. Yes, I am really proud to be in USMKK! (for the first time of my life)…

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